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Why Drive Electric

Benefits to All

  1. Domestic re-investment. Much of our oil used to make gasoline is still imported, as it is a global commodity. Money spent on electricity is not sent out of the country to foreign economies. This means that money instead stays in the domestic or even our local economy, which in turn equates to better local economic prospects for all, and also more local job creation.
  1. Energy security. Much of the global supply of oil also comes from unstable regions of the world, and/or from nations that our relationship is more adversarial than friendly. Our military must protect the global oil supply routes around the world at a cost of billions of dollars, not only for the regular security but also oil-related wars, sabotage and terrorism remains a threat in part due to oil-related geopolitical issues. Increased EVs adoption reduces this threat.
  1. Human health. Not to be confused with the environmental concerns that affect our planet, this is about public health issues and associated costs which affect us all. Switching to an electric car drastically reduces the pollution and other toxins drom the drilling, transport, refining, and burning of petroleum. This is not only a societal concern for the well-being of everyone’s lungs, but also a financial concern as tailpipe and refinery emission related health problems have a hidden economic burden.
  1. Climate Responsibility. As confirmed by peer-reviewed analysis, EVs already reduce CO2 emissions that contribute to Climate Change impacts caused by AWG (Anthropogenic, or man-made Global Warming) by at least 50% (Source: Union of Concerned Scientists), and by at least 70% with New England’s power mix.

Energy New England

  • 100 Foxborough Blvd., Suite 110
    Foxborough, MA 02035
  • 508-698-1200
  • 508-698-0222
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